Action, Adventure, Drama
Alex Rider is an ordinary teenager enlisted to work on behalf of MI6, where he uses skills he didn’t know he had to become an extraordinary spy.
Action, Adventure, Drama
Alex Rider is an ordinary teenager enlisted to work on behalf of MI6, where he uses skills he didn’t know he had to become an extraordinary spy.
A group of urban witches push their powers to new heights and uncover dark secrets that attract dangerous enemies their way.
Season 13 Episode 03 — The North Slope
Lauro travels north of the Arctic Circle with his team of sled dogs to hunt caribou; Daniel rebuilds an old floating cabin using driftwood logs and the power of tides; Jake takes out a coyote that threatens the livestock on a remote ranch; Tom catches a red fox and transforms the hide into a warm winter hat; Paul prepares for hunting season by constructing a smokehouse on his new homestead.
Season 23 Episode 04 — In A Pickle
Chef Dan Barber joins chef Ramsay to judge the chef’s pickling challenge.
Follows Rupert Campbell-Black and Tony Baddingham as they have a longstanding rivalry that comes to a head.
Season 02 Episode 07 — XIV
Chase is taken captive by Suleyman Pavlovich as he risks everything to save Zoe. Harper must go to the opposite end of the earth to confront his past.
Season 01 Episode 04 — Wellness Week
During a week dedicated to wellness, The Odyssey ironically finds itself overwhelmed by a surge of ailing patients. Meanwhile, Tristan’s new romance sparks jealousy, and Capt. Massey must bring the ship to safety in the midst of a hurricane.
Season 01 Episode 02 — Rome In A Day
As Matty settles into her new role at Jacobson Moore, Olympia and the aptly nicknamed “Team You Three” (Matty, Billy and Sarah) take on a lawsuit involving a developmentally delayed teenager whose family claims he’s been wrongly accused of murder. Also, Olympia and Julian disagree on a parenting matter.
Season 24 Episode 03 — Big Brother
Riley’s personal and professional lives clash when his brother is connected to a murder investigation; Price takes a chance on a witness who can testify to a hidden motive.
Season 21 Episode 04 — This One’s for the Girls
Mika struggles with a life-altering personal matter. Meanwhile, Bailey and Ben navigate their personal and professional roles, while Levi finds a connection in an unlikely place. Jo and Link get surprising news.